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Printavo: New & Improved GraphQL API v2

Printavo has released API v2

Before you read…

Printavo is simple shop management software. We help you streamline your business, keep jobs moving forward and your team on the same page.

Scheduling, quoting, approvals, payments, customer communication, automation and more. With Printavo, you’ll work smarter–not harder.

Great news! 🎉 

Printavo has launched API v2 (GraphQL) to help you and your developers build even more customizable tools that enhance your Printavo product experience. 

🍟 Wait, what’s an API?!

An API, or an Application Programming Interface, is what conveys information between two unrelated programs. 

A common comparison for an API is a server at a restaurant. The server takes your order, the server relays your order to the kitchen, then the server returns to you with the food you ordered.

An API is similar in that it relays data requests to an application and returns to you with the information you wanted. 

🤔 What can I do with Printavo’s API?

Tons of things! Broadly speaking, your imagination is the limit of what you can do with Printavo’s API, but here are a few common uses we’ve seen:

  • Create custom dashboards displaying specific Printavo data that’s relevant to your business goals
  • Build a custom order intake form on your website that automatically feeds into Printavo
  • Develop simultaneous integrations between Printavo and multiple other programs for endless possibilities

Cool! 👍 So what’s “new” and why is it good? 

API v2 is a GraphQL API, whereas Printavo’s Legacy API is a REST API. Most developers will know what this means, but simply put, a GraphQL API is more efficient at fetching specific data points.

Thinking about our restaurant example above, GraphQL lets you order just french fries whereas REST requires you to order the “burger and fries” meal even if you only want the fries. GraphQL lets you request data à la carte to “build your own meal” as it were.

API v2 can pull more data points than our Legacy API.

API v2 will receive frequent updates and maintenance based on customer requests and needs because we find it to be a preferable option to our Legacy API. (We want your feedback!)

🔧 What if I already built on Printavo’s Legacy API?

That’s OK! While we do encourage you to transition to API v2 because of its superior and more efficient data-fetching capabilities, allowing you to build better tools for your goals, our Legacy API still works!

In fact, it is possible to use both API v2 and Legacy API at the same time, which is likely what you will want to do for a smooth transition. 😎

📋 What do I need to start using API v2?

3 things:

  1. Premium-tier Printavo subscription to access our API token
  2. Our API documentation so you accurately call the data you want
  3. An API developer or enough coding knowledge to build with our API

When can I start using API v2? ⏱️

Right now! 

🤝 Can I build on API v2 and Legacy API?

Yes! While, moving forward, support and maintenance will only be supplied for API v2, it is possible to utilize both API options simultaneously. 

📜 What are Printavo’s plans for Legacy?

As mentioned, we strongly recommend a transition to API v2 as we consider it to be the better option for shops and we will no longer be devoting resources to maintaining our Legacy API. With that in mind, Legacy API will be available to you at least through 2024.

I have more questions – where do I ask them❓

Current Printavo subscriber? Email your dedicated success manager and we’ll be happy to help!

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About Printavo

Printavo is simple shop management software. We help you streamline your business, keep jobs moving forward and your team on the same page.

Scheduling, quoting, approvals, payments, customer communication, automation and more. With Printavo, you’ll work smarter–not harder.


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